Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Childhood dreams

I had a dream.
Not one many
I had dreams
not of becoming a doctor
engineer, teacher or lawyer.
Of butterflies
roaming in the wild
to fill my life
paint in water colour
soft shades
fly a kite
watch it reach clouds
snake bat peacock
shape make skies
like my father
ride bicycle
each day back and forth
home to work
work to home
like my mother
cook meals
for all
make it taste
greatest ever
eat after all others
scrape the bottom
the pots and pans
like my uncle
Daha mama
who bit off words
of each page alphabet
each day at school
and dropped out
to love
my cow and calf
give them grass and water
like my aunt
Sudhu amma
care to bring
bags of
on Sundays from Panadura
like my other uncle
be the chandia
of the village
fight all evil
wipe it clean off
the face of the earth
I had dreams
had dreams!

By Renton de Alwis

Shared Google Image. Credit: Mark Anthony P Manalang

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