Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yo-Yo (of love and lovers)

Now on ground,
now on palm.
Yo-yo bounce,
up and down.

On the wall,
on the ground.

Feeling up,
feeling down.
Bouncing up,
bouncing down.

What was right,
now is wrong.

What is right?
What is wrong?

Laughter now,
wet eyes soon.

You good soul,
keep that smile.

In your eyes,
pain and hurt,
spite and might.

But why?

I feel and I know,
how like a yo-yo,
you’ll bounce back.

To take me on,
another time,
another day.

I must keep
my smile on,
swallow the hurt,
bite my teeth.

Hear no evil,
speak no evil,
make it work.

Feel the music
of yearning love,
in my heart
and my soul. 

No matter what,
YOU and only you,
are my Yo-Yo.

Renton de Alwis
May 2009

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