Renton de Alwis
yesterday morning, it was raining outside. Late into the night, I read an
interesting essay on Post-colonialism as seen through the promotion of classical English
literature. This ‘poem’ is perhaps, an outcome of the fine mix of these two happenings.
When I woke up, I saw the havoc created by rain. A minor flood in an area of
our land, considered to be hard of rain. I don’t know why I thought of cats and
dogs.... I went in again to my room, to change the earlier title of this poem.
It was “It’s’s raining.”
Still to rain a cat or a dog,
yet, "It's
raining cats and dogs."
strange as it is,
is The Bard's language.
He gave life
to ‘Romeo et Juliet’a French couple,
to kill them both,
again and again.
the dark prince,a ‘Moor’s tale,
to kill,
to die.
Desdemona and many,
like her,left in eternal doubt.
'To be or not to be',
a prince, yet again
wounded soul of foul deeds.
Dreams dreamt
in mid-summercold winters.
Of lords, serfs,
kings, queenssons, daughters
and lovers,
murder most foul
dead or alive.
They hunted
were hunted.
Robbed, clean
and dry, yetnever were robbed,
for how
can another
rob you
of what's theirs?
Still raining ...
no cat or dog has fallen.
Thank ye God
for thatfor that would
then be cited
'cruelty to animals.'
For us this rain ..
bring blessings,the soil,
to feed,
Sun's green.
It’s our rain;
‘Morasurana wasse’.Not the one,
to mark the end;
‘Murugasan Warusawa’.
It’s our rain
to feed the 'tanks.'No! our reservoirs,
built by kings
to catch
every drop
of rain
that falls.
It rained
then,in season
that's changed,
is the globe
with soot
that Dickens had
little Pip clean,
off the chimney,
made with coal
from Liverpool.
Winters cold,
‘churu’, ‘churu’ rain,migrant birds,
fly away,
to make sure
power bills
are saved.
Like was sung
by the kids"Rain, oh! Rain
Go away,
to come again,
another day."
We want
our rain to stay.
Do not flood
do not stray,no dogs or cats,
only drops.
Rain, rain ...
come and stayto come again
another day!
18 December 2012
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