Let us unite for a lasting peace
As someone who had the responsibility to promote the image of this country during the worst of times, I would like to urge all my Sri Lankan brethren not to be complacent with the thought that we as a nation has achieved it all. Being boastful does not help us solve any problems. What the LTTE diaspora is doing needs to be addressed with swift action by us on a united front. Our drawing divide lines and attacking our own, is not going to solve any issue or help our motherland win a lasting peace.
The danger signs are on. We need to place dignity, freedom and opportunities for all our citizens regardless of race, religion or creed above all else. We need to be true Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and followers of Islam. Not be swayed by emotional rhetoric but be guided by the essential wisdom of all of the Dhamma.
We need to think Sri Lankan, not because we are a wonder yet, but because we have the potential to be. We must first accept the mistakes we have made and resolve to look ahead of them with action on the ground. In doing so, we must ensure that we get our basics right.
We need to cut off the fanfare and waste, wherever, however we can. We need to conserve our resources to the best of our ability, for we owe it to our children and the yet to be born. As global citizens we owe it also to all our brethren. We need to be true practitioners of austerity. Not only by speech, but with solid action. We need to practice loving kindness and respect the rule of law, regardless of what echelon of social power or leadership we hold.
We need to take strong re look at the education we give our kids and the values we inculcate in to the process. The examinations centered and tuition based system we now practice within a fast eroding school based education system needs action that is meaningful and solid. For that holds the key to our nation's future success. While the provision of much needed infrastructure is being set in place, we seem to be letting go on the quality of the learning environment within our school system.
We must not get lost in the detail and miss out on the essence of the whole. We need to be selfless for the sake of our Motherland. We need to realize where we went wrong. Where and how we are going wrong. We need first to reflect on where we are and seek to understand. Tell the world our truth.
Our truth which is that, we want peace and do not wish harm to anyone. The truth that we need to be happy as a people. The truth that we were once a people that were happy and coexisted celebrating the unity we saw in our diversity. The truth that divisive and selfish elements stole that happiness from us. Not in the form of complaint. But in the form of rational reasoning.
We know our politics and the constitution that guides it is flawed. We know that, for we voted on several occasions for it to be revamped. Each time we swayed away from making that happen. It is true we won a bloody war on terror and that took so much sacrifice, brevity and resolve. We must appreciate that, but must not let its burden lay heavy on our backs. We need the same sacrifice, brevity and resolve now, to win the peace.
Please take off your colored glasses with with you view each issue. Have a clear vision. A vision for one Sri Lanka. A vision for one nation. A vision for one people.
This need be through solid action on the ground. Not through nice sounding but emply words in speeches made for the media or to satisfy short term needs.
When we get this right, no LTTE diaspora or any other such will be able to defame us. The world, our friends and foe, they all will hear us. They will listen to us. Help us along the way. We must not be reactive or be in defense only when we are attacked.
We must be proactive, be swift in resolving our issues and present them to others as the truth. Our truth. The truth that we want to be one nation. Celebrate the unity in our diversity. We want to be ahead of forces that are destructive, not merely by responding to them but by proving that we are a nation that honor the rule of law, human dignity and democratic freedom.
Let us unite in thought and in deed. We have no choice. Divided we fall!
By Renton de Alwis
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