By Renton de Alwis
Time to reconnect
with time's endless ticking
getting into the groove
momentarily swaying
an unwilling soul
Seeking those little joys
of love, caring and sense
ignore the thunder
will not do you any harm
only groan not strike
only grasp what that is soft
what no word can tell
no bird song can sing
no eye can see
no ear will hear
be happy and embrace
this that no word can tell.
Time to reconnect
with time's endless ticking
getting into the groove
momentarily swaying
an unwilling soul
Seeking those little joys
of love, caring and sense
ignore the thunder
will not do you any harm
only groan not strike
only grasp what that is soft
what no word can tell
no bird song can sing
no eye can see
no ear will hear
be happy and embrace
this that no word can tell.